It is almost 60 years since its inception and it was Bishop M. Savarimuthu who initiated this club under the leadership of Mr. Joseph Uthariam a well known writer and a multi-skilled person. The club was involved promoting skills and talents of the youth and children, games and recreational activities for them.  The club works for the development and safety of the communities living in Fort area, the place where the Catholics live predominantly. 
Contesting in elections of Municipal Corporation was one of their priorities by which they want to have the schemes and benefits reach the catholic population. They are always willing to cooperate and render their services to the pastoral, social and spiritual initiatives taken in the Parish. They also conduct ‘washing of the feet’ on Holy Thursday to witness to gospel values. During the annual feast of Cathedral they decorate the car of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception and assist the parish church. There are around 10 members actively involved in its activities.
The office bearers of this club are:
Mr.Michael Raj - President
Mr.P.A.Backiyaraj - Vice President
Mr.Ramani Abraham - Secretary
Mr.N.F.Michael Raj - Treasurer